Sunday, September 21, 2008


What is the point of single-minded, intense sleeping? You trade one dream for another.

It can't be made any simpler than this: the mind creates its own reality through interpretation of what it sees "out there." This interpretation is only possible through a symbolic language. Language facilitates shared reality; it helps propagate a system of consensual thought amongst a community. Watch two people from different communities disagree about an object directly in front of them: 'it is big," - "no, it is small." Comparison is interpretation, symbolic, and rooted firmly in time.

Memory, thought and emotion are time. Psychological time. Things like possessions or merit are just concepts, and as concepts thought, and as thought, time. "I have 3 things. I had 2 things. I hope to have 5 things." Who is it that will have 5 things? In reality there is no becoming, just being. This is why we sit on cushions all day and think no-thought: not to "become" but to be.

Leave your body and mind at the door of my zendo.

1 comment:

Michael Lekas said...

obviously a tribute in part to Dogen's awakening, extended with some of Krishnamurthi's thinking about time.